Sunday, June 9, 2013

Happy Blogaversary DearSolo!

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, today is this little ole blog's first birthday! (I didn't intend on making a post today but then I changed my mind - of course I had to).

I just wanted to say a little thank you to my mother who takes me places and sometimes takes photos for me, my dad for getting me my Canon and the Wifi in my house (bless you!) but mostly:

The readers!!

Without you guys, I wouldn't have 3500+ pageviews despite my six month hiatus and everyone's lovely words, comments and IFB messages literally mean so much to me! The Independent Fashion Bloggers are the most amazing, encouraging and supportive people ever! Thank you thank you thank you!

I hope I wont disappoint any of you guys in the future!

Thank you all so much once again!


(Like I said in yesterday's post, if any Joburg bloggers want to collaborate, just ask! Also, if anyone is good with code/themes, please help me!)

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