Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Current Obsession: Alt-J

To say that my Alt-J obsession is only current is a bit of an understatement. I've been obsessed with English indie band since last year, and probably even before that, but you know those songs that you know but have no idea who they're by? Yeah, Tesselate was definitely one of those.

I had their album for months before I even thought of YouTubing them, and I'm still not sure if that was one of the greatest or worst decisions I've ever made. Suffice to say, they have some very... interesting music videos, but they do help me understand the as equally interesting lyrics.

I'm so excited about Alt-J coming to South Africa in October for Vodacom In The City (Johannesburg) and Rocking The Daisies (Cape Town) - just like Bloc Party did last year - because all I want to do is hear Fitzpleasure (my fave Alt-J song) live and I'll be a very happy girl.




  1. I love the first video. I've been listening to the song for a while and had no idea about the video:) Thanks for sharing.I found your lovely blog on IFB and started following :) Stop by for a visit sometime. If you like what you see you can stay updated by following either with GFC, Facebook, Bloglovin or Twitter :)
    Hugs :)
