Friday, July 26, 2013

Dinner Party Decor

See, blogging (again) this week. Progress.

After yet another school week filled with tests, assignments, chemistry and general exhaustion: here I am. The phrase TGIF doesn't even begin to cut it. Unlike most people my age, I intend on spending this weekend doing one thing: sleeping. But, I digress.

Last night, my school held its annual Netball Dinner, and like most sports dinners, it was filled with coaches, little trophies, and speeches filled with 'the definition of team'. Last night was no different, but it did have an aspect that left me a little awestruck: an incredible theme of Hollywood. Each team had to decorate their table and dress accordingly and I just thought that a lot of the tables had some really beautiful decor ideas. 

So, without further ado, here are a bunch of pictures of the themed tables - maybe it can inspire you for your future dinner parties :)

Masquerade Theme: complete with masks on tables as a name placard, fairy lights for ambiance, chiffon for colour and feathers for a centrepiece.

Snow White: apples for the theme with a cute little blurb, each person around the table can be their own dwarf and roses and apples for the centrepiece.

Despicable Me: a mixture of tissue and minions for the centrepiece and chiffon/other theme colour (predominantly blue and yellow) accessories, like tinsel! By the way, these girls even dressed the part. Goggles, gloves, yellow tops, blue stockings and denim - too cute!

007 - Casino Royale: I really loved the oversized cards for placemats. The poker chips add a nice touch and a roulette wheel for the centrepiece under a platform covered in chiffon.

Grease: a more classy and simplistic approach, using the key colours of black and pink (for the pink ladies and leather, I'm assuming) and pink flowers for the centrepiece.

Twilight: finally, the table at which I sat was Twilight themed. I loved the little little details - name tags in apples, primarily black and white themed draping, candles for ambiance, 'blood bags', vampire teeth sweets, syringes filled with 'blood' and little bottles filled with the same and the books along with the candles in the centre.

Hopefully these inspired you :) have a great weekend!

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