Saturday, July 20, 2013

Welcome To My Neighbourgood

A long overdue post with a punny title - ah, that seems familiar. Very true to character. Very. Anywho, like I mentioned in my previous Street Style post, last Saturday, my sister and I ventured to Braamfontein and the Neighbourgoods Market. Such a happy vibe.

In other news, I went back to school this week, and as anyone can possibly imagine, going back to the daily routine can be strenuous on my blog. It's been rough - can you imagine, in only four days, we started and completed the diffraction section in physics? *sigh*. So my blog might take a backseat until I can find the perfect balance. 

And since I'm not feeling very wordy today, please enjoy all the photos I took. 


  1. Yeah diffraction eh through those prisms! and the never ending angles. Tell me about it :)

    You live in a beautiful neigbourhood, stunning art pieces.
