Tuesday, October 1, 2013

why you should buy seventeen's october issue

p.s. (are you allowed to do it at the beginning? ...whatever.) happy birthday to my sister anjie and happy independence day to my home country nigeria :) 

if you didnt know by now, i am an avid enthusiast of seventeen magazine. i attend whatever they invite me to, i was fortunate enough to be on the 2011-2012 style counsel, i job shadowed there in april (as blogged about here) and i've been collecting since march 2009 (my biggest life achievement thus far. lol), so you have it under good authority that it's a good magazine.

but this issue in particular? here are some reason's you should buy it...

reasons to buy the october issue of seventeen magazine

1. it is amazing quality. as always.

2. ariana grande is on the cover. and she's adorable.

3. there is a hair care guide in it for all hair types.

4. and there's even a quiz book included.

but more importantly... if you open the quiz book...

and you look a leeeeetle bit closer...


you'll see this :)

remember in my job shadowing post i mentioned i did something that could potentially get me a magazine credit? this was it :) :) :)

it was a happy time to see it :) i showed all the people in the gym. it was cute. lol. so yeah! it is truly an amazing issue apart from my obvious bias and this shameless plug - you can literally see the hard work that the seventeam put into this! i recommend that if you can, you should get it ;)


  1. Congrats, kiddo! I never really got into 17 and probably was never the target market anyway.

  2. The quiz book looks really fun :)
