Wednesday, April 23, 2014

your newest styleGF

as you all know, i am (or should i say, was) a huge fan of seventeen magazine south africa. i mean, i had collected their magazines without fail since march 2009. so imagine my heartbreak when they announced last year that the december issue would be their last and the magazine was to be discontinued. i mean - they grew up with me and gave me so many opportunities, like the style counsel, job shadowing, competitions and even allowed me to make some amazing friends that i still have! (at least it was semi poetic that seventeen ended when i was seventeen, right?)

but then, a few months ago, it was announced that a new mobimag would be launched and who else was to be editor in chief but the seventeen fashion editor, taugheedah! so just like that, despondent former seventeen readers like myself had a new weekly fix of fashion and beauty. but wait, there's more.

styleGF is not just your average mobimag - they're actually more interactive which makes them all the more better. they allow your average (but more fashionable) joes like us be on the cover, and your next generation bloggers like myself some free press! i was so happy to see that i had been featured in issue four of the mag, and one of my good blogger friends khensani of glitterdaiquiri is featured in the current issue six.

myself on the left in issue 4 and khensani on the right in issue 6.

(un)fortunately, the mag is only available on your cell phone, so that makes it very easy for mobile viewing because it was designed to be responsive. but, i just found out that if you have a direct link to a certain page, you can view it on your computer, where its not as responsive because obviously, that's not what it was designed for.

here's the fun part: if YOU would like to be on the cover of the mag, simply click here and fill the form out, and if you would like your blog to be featured in the mag, click here and also fill out the form! and voila! it's that simple :) if you also have some awesome DIY projects that you'd like to show off, email the step by step instructions and pictures to them here:

sending much love to the styleGF team for an amazing job thus far!