Tuesday, September 9, 2014

lucid | psychosis

it's about that time to get carried away again.

i thought about a lot of things when deciding to take these photos - i thought about the ankara fabric in my mother's closet and the song jungle by jamie n commons x ambassadors; i thought about tony gum and her ever-afrocentric flair; i thought about baby doll simone battle (rest peacefully); i thought about grimes and rihanna's mash up of go and pour it up, while dancing in my bedroom by myself - but in the end, i kept thinking about phfat and their song with jungfreud, lights out, hence the title, lucid | psychosis. (their soundcloud)

when the lights turn out i'm focused...
yet lately, i have a lack thereof (focus, that is). you see, there's this poster in my room that keeps falling down. poster is too blase of a word, actually, it's more like a memory board. i keep my ticket stubs and concert bracelets and cute friendship notes and photobooth snaps on there and it's supposed to be a wall that reminds me of the good times in high school. it's to show that there are more important things than my maths homework that lies before me. and yet, no matter how hard i pound my fists to make the adhesive stick or how many rolls of double sided tape i use, it keeps falling down.

if you're the type to get sentimental about things (like i tend to be upon occasion), you could ration that this is symbolic of the fact that in just over two months, i'll be finished high school forever. i'll leave the hallowed halls through which i entered, excitedly, at that, five years ago, and i'll be starting afresh. i'll be making new memories, living new glory days, having the opportunity to reinvent myself again and again and again without a dress code keeping me tame and i'll be by myself, truly, this time.

or you could also say that it represents how when everything falls down, you just have to get back up again, and try a little harder to stay up. maybe you'll fall back down, but maybe... maybe you'll stick.

or you could say that i have really bad adhesive and i'm reading too much into the situation.

either way, the true moral of the story is actually: make up and music is much better than maths. now, to eternity.

read more for more (and also remember to like my facebook page!)


  1. Grey brow highlight + septum ring = dream girl combination.
    I can't even imagine what you must be feeling about leaving high school soon. I mean, how do you even begin to picture yourself outside of it? I know you're gonna have a great time ahead though. Take care xx

    1. everything in my heart is telling me to make the septum ring a real thing - i blame fka twigs and rihanna. i'm excited and traumatised at the same time - i hope to become a carefree black girl and flourish next year. thanks, lady :) x
